Well ...it's coming up on another year without my little buddy. Zion Jeremiah would've been 4 at the end of this month and it still seems like he was just born. Every year I have without him seems like a milestone missed , yet a milestone met in grief. I wanted to make a daily blog post journaling things I miss about him or my thoughts on where I am at in this journey in my life. Openly talking about the losses of both him and Selah has aided in my healing so much. That's why I have chosen to share my thoughts freely and blog daily during the month of his birth.
Day :1 My dear baby boy, One thing I miss most about you is your beautiful crimson red lips. They were so sweet to kiss when I first held you in my arms and called you by your name. Most parents go on for years describing each thing about their child that is so beautiful and distinct from all others, but I miss what I was blessed with in the brief hours that I had with you. While looking at you it was hard to believe that your lips were not painted on because they were absolutely perfect. Someone even asked why they put lipstick on you!! Nope.... not my boy!! You were just that perfect! I felt proud when I was told by so many that saw you on your birthday, that you were the most beautiful boy they had every seen. You are baby boy! You are the most beautiful baby boy EVER! The baby boy with the prettiest lips of crimson that I can't wait to kiss again one...sweet...day!
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