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Monday, March 4, 2013

The Lives That I Will Carry

There are several precious lives that I have carried throughout this journey called motherhood. It's been a blessing to know that God has chosen me to be called their mommy. But today has been a day when tears, grief , and joy have flooded this soul of mine. I'm dearly missing my Zion & Selah and I remember what they have given me. My most prized gift they've given me has been a more intimate relationship with One that they now see face to face.

At the end of this month we will celebrate Zion's birthday. I can't believe it will be 2 yrs since I met him and I saw his face for the first time. Then, Selah's due date will  follow just a few days later. All that being said, I'm sure this month  will be full of emotions for me.

 I have joy and my life is sweet when I think of them and how they make my life beautiful.  I am privileged to say that I know for sure that I will see them again, never to be separated anymore. What joy I'll have on that day when I finally get to see them smile for the first time and hear the words I've longed to hear, "I love you Mommy!"

It's such a blessing to be a mother and to know the love of child. I have been blessed to carry babies in my womb, in my arms, and in my heart wherever I go. Each life being very precious in itself .  Only the Lord knows how many lives I will carry on this journey called motherhood.  However, I know that there are two lives that will have to be carried in my heart and in my memory until our glad reunion day. Thank God for that blessed Hope in Jesus!

I have no sad story to claim, but only one filled with  the blessings of a loving and merciful God that has carried me and has been faithful to keep His promises! To God alone be the glory!

*A video that I made as part of a grief  project this past year in memory of  Zion & Selah.*


  1. That was beautiful beyond words - very touching

    1. Misty, thanks so much! The Lord has blessed you to be an encourager and I am so grateful for that. Thanks for always remembering our family.

  2. Our Jacob and your Zion both had sweet full heads of hair, he is beautiful as is the sweet hand of your Selah. What a beautiful tribute to the time you had with them here as I know the stories of their precious lives, as our Jacob's, will continue to bless others lives in ways we may never fully know. Love, Nora

  3. They did Nora! When I was pregnant I prayed that the Lord would give me a baby with a head full of hair. He did and I'm forever grateful when I look at the pictures and I see a prayer that was answered. I am thankful that the Lord builds our testimonies and make them beautiful in His time. All, so that He might be glorified! Praying for you and your family to be continually blessed!
