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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Chasing a Rainbow : Evaelia's Birth Story - Part 2

For a recap read  Part 1 of Evaelia's Birth Story

I couldn't believe the end was closing in on this part of my journey with my precious baby wrapped in my womb. I had all sorts of emotions flooding my brain....even doubt. Even in such pain I doubted that this was really it. I couldn't fathom that after all the waiting that I would be holding my baby in a matter of hours.

Like I said, the contractions had gotten further apart after I ceased pumping. They went from 3 mins. apart back to 10 -14 min. apart and to start with, I was bummed, but to my surprise, they still came back fiercely and consistently! At first, I mentioned to Jeremy that this could be it and  I went on about my business, going through several contractions by myself. Praise the Lord we had put Ellie to bed so I could really relax and focus on my labor while I finished getting  things ready for the birth. A couple hours went by and around 11:30 pm. I called my cousin Angie, who is like my sister and  knows all the details of my life. We chatted while I was bouncing away on my birth ball. I was so chill and I calmly told her her how things were going. Knowing my history of  labors, I  chuckled and  said that it would probably be a while, but she thought very differently. She chuckled right back and said it would be sooner than I thought because she could hear it my voice. I guess I just didn't want to get my hopes up! However, by then, the contractions were consistently around 10 min. apart so I nonchalantly told her I'll would call her back later with any updates.

 12:00 am came and the contractions' strength had escalated immensely! They had went directly from 10 around 8 min.apart, and they were potent! To all mothers who have been given the hellish drug pitocin without pain meds, you know what I mean when I say that the pain felt like I was at 7 cm with pitocin!! I kept thinking " Whew... how can it hurt this bad so early in the game?"  It was becoming so intense and at a rapid rate!  I  anxiously waddled into the living room where Jeremy  was and I smiled as I said " Honey..... if  I don't have a baby soon I will be the most surprised momma ever!"  He quickly perked up and I could see the anxiousness in his eyes!  Immediately he mentioned calling the midwife back to inform her of the progress made. She suggested trying to rest and if  the contractions picked up anymore to call her back.

During this time satan tried to flood my mind with all kinds of  fears. He attempted to make me rethink my home birth desires and tell  me that the baby wouldn't make it to me alive. I remember crying out to Jeremy in between the surges and asking him if he thought I would have a live baby. This being the same question that he had been asked at least 1,000 times since Zion's death.  He was so faithful to smile every time and remind me that I would deliver and hold a live baby very soon! I was a basket full of emotions, to say the least! Nonetheless, I'm thankful that the Lord over came every one of satan's attempts.  He caused my sweet baby to move and kick just in time to reassure me that she was still with me and that HE alone was in control of  life! And surely, the crazy course of contractions didn't give me much time to ponder on all the what ifs either!

Jeremy had to really help me through the contractions that followed. When I think back, it was so sweet how we worked through the early contractions all to the way to the last one, together.  I would scream out "Jeremy.....  I need you!" and he would come running to my side to scoop me up in his arms.  Every time I would heave all my weight upon him and it looked as if I was like a limp corpse he was embracing in his arms. We swayed and danced through each surge. When each one was over he would smile with such love and compassion, and I felt safe. He was so sympathetic toward me while seeing me in such pain, however, we still were able to laugh and enjoy each other.  Some of my fondest memories of the birth were the times when we were laughing through some of the hardest contractions as I shouted out cracks like " Oh's coming out my butt!!" and " Hep me Jesus .... Hep me!!"  Oh....I love that man of mine with all my heart!! There is no one else I would rather laugh through the pain with!

For the next  2 hours we swayed, laughed, and cried together while timing each contraction. They had swiftly went  from  7 min. to 3 min. apart,  without much warning. Although I  had been through this 3 times before, labor had never progressed so quickly! At 2 am, after a really intense contraction, there was a crescendo in my voice as I urgently said to Jeremy " I need water.... and I need my midwife NOW!!" His countenance immediately changed and he fumbled as he grabbed the phone to call the midwife. I still remember hearing his voice shake as he made the call requesting her immediate assistance. In my mind I just didn't know if  the baby would wait until she arrived, seeing it would take her 1 hr to get here.

Stay tuned for Part 3 including some photos of the labor and birth !

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